Hi, Ryan -- thanks for this article. It started out great:

"A philosophy of settledness, rooted in knowing and controlling, must give way to one that embraces uncertainty, change, and relationality."

and continued throughout. Much appreciated. I curated an exhibition called "Uncertainty" some years ago, and wrote and essay for it. In case you'd like to take a look,

Exhibition essay: https://stephennowlin.com/essay/uncertainty.pdf

Exhibition video: https://player.vimeo.com/video/207343937

All the very best,


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Hi Stephen - what a treat to hear from you and that the essay sparked associations for you. I'm delighted to discover your fantastic Uncertainty exhibition. The essay is thought-provoking, to be sure. I liked when you wrote that the unendingness of knowledge is 'exhausting' - I feel that exhaustion, but it is a strange paradox alongside the exhilaration. Seems to be a factor of my frame of mind at any time.

Perhaps we could get together with some of the exhibitors next time I'm in Pasadena? At the very least, I know a number of saloners would be eager to gather for conversation.

Do you have a forum where you write these days? Would love to know about it

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